BallgameCentral has consolidated participation levels into two distinct packages in order to help users find the right plan.
League Package
This package is geared toward League-level participation.
• The League is entitled to use all of the functionality available anywhere on our web site, including all new functionality, revisions, and upgrades as they become available
• The League may choose whether to have all the pages displayed at, or instead, to embed the pages into the League’s web site, such as inside frames; in this case, we will set the appearance of the pages to match the League’s; this feature enables transparent navigation back and forth from the League’s pages to the BallgameCentral pages
• Team and Player data may be carried over from season to season; this enables not only season stats and records, but lifetime history, stats, and records; web site visitors may view any season’s information including prior seasons
This package includes:
• Unlimited user accounts for password protected data entry
• Control Panel screens that only authorized League administrators may edit, including Season Configuration, Web Page Configuration, Edit Password page, Team Lists, Game Schedules, and Field Information
• Unlimited number of teams; team data may not be viewed by other teams, except for data that becomes posted to public pages (such as Leader Boards, etc.)
• Roster lists and editors for unlimited player data entry by authorized team managers and delegates; available fields for player records include: team name, first name, last name, nickname, active/inactive status, home/office/cell phone numbers, address, email address, date-of-birth (calculated age displayed), insurance or tax ID#, and positions played; option to set specific fields as required information
• Game scores of scheduled games submitted by authorized team managers and delegates from each team; when the final score submitted by a home team and visiting team match, the game result is official and the League standings are updated immediately; otherwise the result is not official and may be viewed by League administrators in an Internet-based report
• Batting and Pitching statistics submitted by authorized team managers and delegates from each team; publicly viewed Leader Boards and Season Stats totals for players and teams are updated immediately.
• Pages viewable by any visitors to the website:
- Game schedules – visitors may choose from all games or upcoming games only
- Game scores – visitors may view scores from the current season or previous seasons, and they may choose to view scores from a single team or all teams
- Standings – displays teams by division; Wins/Losses/Ties, Percentage, Points, and Games Behind
- Team Stats -- 13 batting and 7 pitching categories plus Wins/Losses/Saves for pitchers
- Leader Boards – 10 batting and 5 pitching categories with Top 25 in each category; calculated Leader Board categories include Batting Average, On-Base Average, Slugging Average, Earned Run Average, and Opposing Batting Average (pitching)
Team Package
This package is geared toward team-level participation.
• The team will be entitled to all new functionality, revisions, and upgrades as they become available
• The team may choose whether to have all the pages displayed at, or instead, to embed the pages into the team’s web site, such as inside frames; in this case, we will set the appearance of the pages to match the team’s; this feature enables transparent navigation back and forth from the team’s pages to the BallgameCentral pages
• Player data may be carried over from season to season; this enables not only season stats, but lifetime history and stats; web site visitors may view any season’s information including prior seasons
This package includes:
• User accounts for password protected data entry
• Roster lists and editors for unlimited player data entry by the authorized manager and delegates; available fields for player records include: team name, first name, last name, nickname, active/inactive status, home/office/cell phone numbers, address, email address, date-of-birth (calculated age displayed), insurance or tax ID#, and positions played; option to set specific fields as required information
• Batting and Pitching statistics submitted by the authorized manager or delegates; publicly viewed Season Stats totals for players and the team are updated immediately.
• Pages viewable by any visitors to the website:
- Game schedules – visitors may choose from all games or upcoming games only
- Game scores – visitors may view scores from the current season or previous seasons
- Team Stats -- 13 batting and 7 pitching categories plus Wins/Losses/Saves for pitchers