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Click on the screens to browse through BallgameCentral’s sample pages. Feel free to click away, select, or navigate at will – all the features are “live” for a fictitious baseball League.
We’re not including the data entry pages from which these reports are created – after all, it’s a lot more fun to drive than to gas up!

Here’s a brief explanation of the pages that you’ll encounter:

Admin Website
With this page you can administer your league, create users for each team manager and manage each season. The team Managers can enter the roster, game information and player stats. Everything else is almost automatic!
To enter demo please use the login "demo" with password "demo".

This page tells you who’s playing, and the date, time, and field for the games scheduled. Select the season, team, and type of report you’d like to see. The choices for type of report are: Season (complete schedule) and Upcoming (excludes dates that have passed). You can see the Commissioner’s comments about the game, such as the reason for postponement, etc. If you click a field name, you’ll get a map to the field.

Leader Boards
This page posts the Division leaders in 10 batting and 5 pitching categories, including the following calculated categories: Batting Average, On-Base Average, Slugging Average, Earned Run Average, and Opponents’ Batting Average. These categories utilize minimum required At Bats and Innings Pitched, which are determined automatically from the complete pool of League data – they do not have to be manually entered, and they ensure the validity of the players on the boards. The top 25 players are posted in each category. Select the season, division, and type of report you’d like to see.

Team Stats
This page shows you season batting and pitching totals for each player on a team, plus the stats for the team overall. Select the season, team, and type of report you’d like to see.

This page posts the standings by division for each League. The stats for each team include Wins, Losses, Ties, Percentage, and Points.

Here you can view all the game scores for any season, or you can select a single team for which to view the results.

Print Report
Each page has a Print Report button to facilitate making hard copies of data.

The Leader Boards, Team Stats, and Standings pages each have this button. Clicking this page gives you quick reference info to explain the abbreviations, as well as the formulas used to compute the calculated statistics.

Print and Definitions Buttons
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