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Welcome to BallgameCentral, the preferred system for tracking your League or team stats.

Admin Pages Over the Internet, Team Members or League Officials can enter information such as:
•   Rosters
•   Game schedules
•   Game results
•   Individual stats
•   ...and more!

The BallgameCentral software updates the database, compiles the information which calculates stats and creates reports instantly; enabling them for immediate viewing:
Public Pages •   Scores
•   Standings
•   Player stats
•   Team stats
•   Leader boards
•   ...and more!

Here are some of the features you can find at BallgameCentral:
•   Free migration services from other web sites – we’ll import your bulk data from a database, or even a web site
•   Member accounts utilizing password protection to ensure security and integrity of data. Members of one Team cannot overwrite results entered by members of other teams.
•   Customizable page design options, to distinguish the look of your pages from others
•   Option to allow your pages to be embedded within an existing web site; we’ll even duplicate your team or League website’s appearance in order to integrate BallgameCentral pages with yours transparently!
•   ...and more!

We at BallgameCentral want everyone to be able to appreciate their contribution to their teams, by reaping the benefits of an efficient, full-featured tracking system.

   Visitors Since 2004
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